Food and dental hygiene: learning to eat well.
The health of your teeth depends in part on the foods you eat. From a very young age and in order to develop your jaws in the best possible way, it is essential to know which foods to avoid and which to favour.
First of all, why pay attention to what you eat?
Paying attention to the foods you buy will be beneficial in the long term. For newborns, for example, it will be necessary to be more vigilant, because the jaw begins to form from the first days of life, with intense muscular work. The proper development of the jaws will have an impact on your adult life.
On the other hand, some foods have a high cariogenicity, which means that they are more prone to cause cavities. Therefore, to keep your teeth healthy, you must take into account several elements: liquidity and solidity of foods, frequency of indigestion, nutritional composition…
Here are the foods to be favored to strengthen your teeth: green vegetables, cheese, dark chocolate, butter, meat, dried vegetables, plain water, carrots and peppers, fish, apples, dairy products, almonds…
On the contrary, which ones should be avoided?
To preserve your teeth, you should avoid acidic and sweet foods. Here are some examples:
- Drinks with added sugar (soda water, soft drinks, juice…)
- Sweets (biscuits, candies…)
- Dried fruits (grapes, figs, dates…)
- Acidic foods (tomatoes and citrus fruits)
- Fried foods.
Acidic foods promote the demineralization of teeth, and can in the long term damage your teeth, with the appearance of cavities that can even damage your teeth.
Of course, your oral hygiene does not only depend on what you eat. There are other variables to take into account: whether or not you smoke, whether or not you follow a strict diet… In the long term, this will have a considerable impact on the health of your teeth.