How to reduce your dental expenses?
For a certain number of French people who go to the dentist, whether on a more or less regular basis, this sometimes represents a certain amount of money to advance. In a context where patients are becoming more and more vigilant about their expenses, here are some tips to reduce your dental expenses.
1/ Take care of your oral hygiene.
Do not neglect the daily gestures and brush your teeth at least twice a day. This will avoid possible damage and consequently additional appointments with the dentist. By taking your health in hand, you will avoid additional expenses.
2/ Contact your dentist.
Your dentist is in a position to facilitate the payment of your visits. By discussing the financial barriers with him or her, he or she can offer you several solutions: adjustment of fees, easy payment, payment without advances…
3/ Get information from the Assurance maladie.
If you do some research, you will certainly find some very good deals with the Assurance Maladie or your mutual insurance company. There are several different types of health insurance coverage, each tailored to your needs. In general, only treatments considered aesthetic are not covered by mutual health insurance companies: teeth whitening, veneers, implants… In addition, some appointments and treatments may be offered depending on the patient’s age.
Thus, there are several ways to try to reduce your costs by going to the dentist. Don’t hesitate to contact the dentist, who can also help you find the right tips.